Methods of Payment
- Complete payment is expected at the time service is rendered.
- AMEX, Visa, Discover, Mastercard
- Care Credit
- Check
- Cash
- Debit
Accepted Insurance
We are contracted with a wide range of insurances. However, if we are out-of-network with your insurance, you will be responsible for any balances. We strive to help as many patients as possible and try to have benefit information available prior to your appointment. Please contact your insurance to see if we are in-network if you have any questions.
*Please note: Not all of our doctors are in-network with all the insurances below. We do NOT accept any HMOs or EPOs.
- Humana Medicare PPO (Out-of-Network and applies towards deductible)
- Humana Medicare Advantage Plan PFFS (Out-of-Network)
- Superior Vision (previously Block Vision)
- Humana Choice Care PPO
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- United Healthcare
- 1st Health/GEHA
- RR Medicare
- Medicare
- Coventry
- Eyetopia
- Aetna
- Cigna
Financing Options
We are sensitive to the fact that different people have different needs for payment. Care Credit may be an option.
- Care Credit (no initial payment, 0 or low interest). Fast, confidential service by phone – 800.677.0718. Or apply online at their secure website www.carecredit.com
Experience Exceptional Eye Care
New Braunfels Vision Center has provided high-quality eye care services for over 20 years. If you have any questions about payments or insurance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.